Saturday, 26 October 2013




Today all of us had to do a presentation on where we're at with our Drama school application forms and our monologues. Gary got Tyler to stay in with us in our lesson for a couple of minutes and talk about where he is at now and what he would have done if he was at our stage now. He said he would have got another Shakespeare monologue because he only had his two modern's and one Shakespeare. Also at this time last year he wasn't reading both his contemporary plays and the only thing he did was just look at them. By hearing this it has made me realise that I should be reading my plays more now and analysing the scene where my character delivers his speech. To be honest I did that with both my contemporary monologue's but with my two Shakespeare monologues I feel that I haven't spent enough time on them, especially with my 2nd Shakespeare monologue because it's a romantic piece I feel that it's going to be challenge for me and some of the language there I am going to struggle with. Hopefully soon I will be a lot more confident with it. After Tyler did his little presentation, Ahmed got up and told us about both of his auditions at 'Guildhall & Alra (The Academy of live and Recorded Arts)'. With his Guildhall audition he was 30mins late, which was quite disappointing but when he delivered his monologue to the panel it went well but they did not redirect him or ask him any questions. All the other candidates had 30mins with the panel and Ahmed only had 5mins, maybe because he was late. Again since last year,Gary has been going on & on & on & on telling us DON'T BE LATE!, which could affect our chances of being offered a place at Drama School. I obviously understand how important it is to be early buy by hearing Ahmed being late at Guildhall it has made me realise how important 'PUNCTUALITY' is. Ahmed's audition for alra went very well, this time he was early ! :D. He enjoyed the warm up games/exercises they did and got to the last round which meant that he must have done well with his monologues, but he claims that the only thing that brought him down was the improvisation exercise. Mahin also had his audition on that day and also got to the last round. Despite that both of them were not offered a place they still enjoyed there audition and said it was a good experience.

During our lesson Gray gave us a Final Year Check-list sheet with 8 questions -certain questions on how ready we are and where we're at at the moment ?, here's what I've answered for my check-list................

1. Institutions I have applied to ?- 5 university's & two Drama schools

2. Are all applications sent ?- all uni's done and my Arts Ed form is sent off

This is where I'm at now so far

Today was alright :/

Tuesday, 15 October 2013



                              ACTING AUDITIONS DIARY ENTRY

Today all of us had to get up and show our monologues, since Mahin has his alra audition on Friday we as a whole helped him. The monologue he is doing is from 'A Winters Tale' and the character he is portraying is Autolycus, same monologue as Cameron. First time round he delivered his speech was good but he was rushing it and I couldn't understand what he was saing half the time on certain bit, maybe because he was scared to attack the language. Also he had to emphasize on certain syllables/phrases so we can understand what he is talking about. I think that he had good energy but it wasn't strong enough. I also feel that he should slow everything down and take it apart more. To get Mahin energised, Gary did this exercise which was to run around the Theatre until shouts 'Now!' - he should go straight into the monologue. When he did that it felt much better, but we still have to understand what he's saying. It is Mahin's job to make us as the audience understand what's going on in the scenario of his piece. Not just Mahin same thing applies to all of us aswell. As an Actor it is your job to make us understand your monologue/piece. Another thing I think Mahin has to work on is 'Clarity' again I didn't understand what he was saying and I still did not get a picture or sense of where he was. I feel that Mahin can do more with his physicality because t the moment he's abit stiff and stale. Last time round Mahin had to go full out without stumbling or any interuptions as while he's perofrming his monologue. This time it was much better but he could do a lot more with it. Overall it was a lot better fom when he first started. Unfortunately Gary couldn't het anyone else up to show their monologue because time was running out :( . For our next task we had to get into pairs and work with someone different. My partner was Sean, we had to choose who is going to be partner A or B-obviously because my name starts with an A I had to recite my lines from both of my Shakespeare monologues and Sean could stop me at any bit if he didn't get the meaning of what I was saying. I know y 'Taming Of The Shrew' monologue (2nd Shakespeare piece) but I didn't understand what I was saying. I understood a few bits but there were just words that I di not quite understand myslelf. When Sean asked to see my Julius Caesar monologue (1st Shakespeare piece) which I'm very string on. The first time I did this monologue I did not paint a picture of where my charcter is and who he I talking to. Sean told me with him seeing my monologue it's much better, he understood what I was saying and it has come a long way. He also told me to keep working on it and I should be fine :). On the other hand I have a lot of work to with my 'Taming Of The Shrew monologue :( and because it's a romantic piece I have a feeling that I am really going to struggle with it. Hopefully within a week or two it should be at a good standard.

Today was fine :/